Calculating Historical Intercapital Distances
Last updated 10 January 2018
Military power degrades with distance. Fighting a war on another continent is, for most militaries, more difficult than fighting at home. Studies of conflict frequently employ capital-to-capital distance (or some transformation of this metric) as one proxy for this loss of strength from power projection (see, for example, (Gartzke and Braithwaite (2011)). Combined with data on territorial contiguity, these metrics can provide us with a picture of the geographic constraints facing countries contemplating war with one another.
Historical intercapital distance data proved difficult to find however. Most researchers appear to rely on EuGene to generate this data. I wasn’t able to track down any documentation on exactly how EuGene does this, however.1 Gleditsch and Ward (2001) generated a minimum interstate distance dataset, but their data only covers the post-1875 period. For researchers using Correlates of War data, distance data would ideally cover 1816 to the present.
It turns out that it’s not too difficult to build intercapital distance data from scratch, however. All that is required is data on the names of capital cities for each state system member for every year between 1816 and the present. Paul Hensel’s ICOW Historical State Names dataset provides this information. We can then use Google’s Geocoding API through the ggmap
R package to get the coordinates of each historical capital, which can then be used to generate intercapital distance matrices.
Here, I show how to conduct this exercise in R. A clean version of Hensel’s historical capital dataset is available here. I’ve included all of the data and software necessary to generate this data on Github. Feel free to send along questions, comments, or suggestions for improvement to [email protected].
Capital City Coordinates
Start by loading up the packages we’ll need for analysis:
<- c('readr', 'dplyr', 'tidyr', 'ggmap', 'geosphere', 'leaflet', 'knitr', 'bibtex', 'knitcitations')
libs sapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)
I started by cleaning up Hensel’s data a bit in excel. Each capital city is listed as its own observation, along with the country, its COW code, and the first and last year the city served as a capital. Because the Hensel data is coded annually, I take the country’s capital at the start of any given year to be its capital for that entire year. For countries that no longer exist (e.g. Mecklenburg-Schwerin) I provide a contemporary alternative country name (aName) to help Google locate the city’s coordinates. The assumption underlying this procedure is that the cities that served as capitals historically have not moved from their historical location (if I’m missing any instances where this occured please let me know). We can take a look at the data below:
# load data
<- read_csv('capitals.csv')
# Hensel's data run from 1800-2016, set bounds
$startDate <- ifelse($startDate), 1800, dists$startDate)
dists$endDate <- ifelse($endDate), 2016, dists$endDate)
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
## ccode Name aName startDate endDate Capital
## <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 2 United States of America <NA> 1800 2016 Washington D.C.
## 2 20 Canada <NA> 1800 1841 Ottawa
## 3 20 Canada <NA> 1841 1843 Kingston
## 4 20 Canada <NA> 1843 1849 Montreal
## 5 20 Canada <NA> 1849 1859 Toronto
## 6 20 Canada <NA> 1859 1865 Quebec City
Now we need to get the cities’ coordinates. I simply feed the City, Country tuples to ggmap
’s geocode
function, which returns lat, lng coordinates if it can find a match in Google’s database. If the country has a contemporary name, I use this name for the search in lieu of its old name. I save these coordinates to the dists
data frame when they are found. The geocode
API imposes some query limits, so it sometimes throws an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
error. If cities remain uncoded, I simply run the loop again, skipping over those that already have coordinates. We can check that the coding worked with the dists %>% filter(
, which should return an empty data frame if all cities have been geocoded.
# initialize coordinates
$lat <- NA
dists$lng <- NA
# run until all cities have been coded
while(nrow(dists %>% filter( > 0) {
# for each city
for (i in 1:nrow(dists)) {
# skip if it's already been coded
if ([i,]$lat)) {
if ([i,]$aName)) {
# query City, Country for each capital
<- paste0(dists[i, ]$Capital, ", ", dists[i, ]$Name)
query <- geocode(query)
latlng $lat <- latlng$lat
dists[i, ]$lng <- latlng$lon
dists[i, ]
}else {
# use alternative country name
<- paste0(dists[i, ]$Capital, ", ", dists[i, ]$aName)
query <- geocode(query)
latlng $lat <- latlng$lat
dists[i, ]$lng <- latlng$lon
dists[i, ]
} }
We can check to make sure the cities were coded correctly by plotting them on a map. Clicking on the city will show a popup with its name. I poked around this map a bit and everything seemed to land in the right spot.
leaflet(data=dists) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, options=providerTileOptions(minZoom = 1)) %>%
addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, popup=~Capital, radius=1) %>%
setMaxBounds(-180, -90, 180, 90)
I then export the geocoded capitals as a csv. You can find these data here.
write_csv(dists, 'dists.csv')
Intercapital Distances
Remember that the point of all this was to generate intercapital distance data for all countries in the COW data. To do this, we want to convert our geocoded capital city data into a dyadic time series that gives the distance between any two countries’ capitals for a given year. If there are \(N\) countries in the system in a given year \(t\), we want to be able to generate an \(N \times N\) matrix for that year where each entry is the distance between countries \(i\) and \(j\).
I start by loading up COW’s state system membership data, so we know which countries were members of the system for each year. The field “styear” denotes the year the country entered the system, and the field “endyear” gives the year it exited. I then append this data to the distance data. The output is shown below.
<- read_csv('dists.csv')
# get state system membership (COW)
<- ""
<- read_csv(sysMemUrl) %>% select(ccode, styear, endyear)
sysMem <- left_join(dists, sysMem, by="ccode")
## # A tibble: 6 x 10
## ccode Name aName startD… endDa… Capital lat lng stye… endy…
## <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1 2 United Stat… <NA> 1800 2016 Washing… 38.9 -77.0 1816 2016
## 2 20 Canada <NA> 1800 1841 Ottawa 45.4 -75.7 1920 2016
## 3 20 Canada <NA> 1841 1843 Kingston 44.2 -76.5 1920 2016
## 4 20 Canada <NA> 1843 1849 Montreal 45.5 -73.6 1920 2016
## 5 20 Canada <NA> 1849 1859 Toronto 43.7 -79.4 1920 2016
## 6 20 Canada <NA> 1859 1865 Quebec … 46.8 -71.2 1920 2016
From this dataframe, I can build the \(N \times N\) intercapital distance matrix for any year. I wrap this in a function coord2DistM
, which takes the desired year and the dists dataframe as arguments. It filters the distance data to include only states that were active in that year. It then feeds the latitude and longitude coordinates to the distm
function from the geosphere
package, which retuns the desired distance matrix. I convert all distances to kilometers.
The function distM2dydist
takes this distance matrix and a pair of COW country codes and returns the dyadic distance. Below, I show how to use these functions to build the intercapital distance matrix for the year 1816 and get the distance between Britain and Saxony.
# Note: assigns capital to city that was capital at beginning of year
<- function(dists, year) {
coord2DistM # filter by system membership, then relevant capital
<- dists %>% filter(styear <= year, endyear >= year) %>% filter(startDate < year & endDate >= year)
distsY # check that one capital returned per country
if (length(unique(distsY$Capital)) != length(unique(distsY$Name))) {
print('error: nCountries != nCapitals, check underlying coordinate data')
}else {
# get distance matrix for selected year
<- distsY %>% select('lng', 'lat') %>% as.matrix()
latlng <- distm(latlng, latlng, fun=distVincentySphere)
distsYmatrix <- distsYmatrix / 1000 # convert to km
distsYmatrix rownames(distsYmatrix) <- colnames(distsYmatrix) <- distsY$ccode
# get distance between i and j
<- function(distM, ccode1, ccode2) {
distM2dydist return(distM[ccode1, ccode2])
# application
<- 1816
year <- "200"
Britain <- "269"
<- coord2DistM(dists, year)
distM1816 distM2dydist(distM1816, Britain, Saxony)
## [1] 965.3628
These functions can be used in tandem to grab intercapital distances for arbitrary year, dyad pairings.
Merge with COW War Data
Conflict researchers often want this data to analyze wars. Now I show how to merge intercapital distance data with COW’s inter-state-war data. I clean up the COW war data a bit, which you can see below post-cleaning. In the most basic leve, the data give information about the belligerents in every war and how long each war lasted.
# append to COW wars data
<- ""
warUrl <- read_csv(warUrl)
# for simplicity, ignore armistices
$StartYear <- cowWars$StartYear1
cowWars$EndYear <- ifelse(cowWars$EndYear2 == -8, cowWars$EndYear1, cowWars$EndYear2)
cowWars<- cowWars %>% select(WarName, ccode, StateName, Side, StartYear, EndYear)
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
## WarName ccode StateName Side StartYear EndY…
## <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 Franco-Spanish War 230 Spain 2 1823 1823
## 2 Franco-Spanish War 220 France 1 1823 1823
## 3 First Russo-Turkish 640 Ottoman Empire 2 1828 1829
## 4 First Russo-Turkish 365 Russia 1 1828 1829
## 5 Mexican-American 70 Mexico 2 1846 1847
## 6 Mexican-American 2 United States of America 1 1846 1847
We want to know the intercapital distance between each pair of belligerents between 1816 and the present. We could use the coord2DistM
and distM2dydist
but this would require calculating the intercapital distance matrix for every year in which there was a war. A simpler solution is to build a dataframe of capital-years, along with their coordinates, merge this with the war data, and calculate the distance between belligerents, given their capitals’ coordinates.
I used the procedure in this stackoverflow post to create the capital-year dataframe. Once merged, I use geosphere
’s distVicentySphere
function to calculate the distances. The resulting data is shown below the code.
# convert capital data to yearly observations
<- dists
distsYear $year <- mapply(seq, distsYear$startDate, distsYear$endDate, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
distsYear<- distsYear %>%
distsYear unnest(year) %>%
select(ccode, year, lat, lng)
# get capital in start year
$year <- cowWars$StartYear
# append coords for each side
<- cowWars %>% filter(Side == 1) %>% left_join(distsYear, by=c("ccode", "year")) %>% rename(State1 = StateName, ccode1 = ccode, lat1 = lat, lng1 = lng) %>% select(-Side)
cowWars1 <- cowWars %>% filter(Side == 2) %>% left_join(distsYear, by=c("ccode", "year")) %>% rename(State2 = StateName, ccode2 = ccode, lat2 = lat, lng2 = lng) %>% select(WarName, State2, ccode2, lat2, lng2)
<- left_join(cowWars1, cowWars2, by="WarName") %>% select(WarName, ccode1, State1, ccode2, State2, year, lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2)
# calculate distance
<- cowWarsDyadic %>% select(lng1, lat1)
latlng1 <- cowWarsDyadic %>% select(lng2, lat2)
latlng2 $distance <- distVincentySphere(latlng1, latlng2) / 1000 # convert to km
# export data
write_csv(cowWarsDyadic, 'cowWarsDist.csv')
%>% select(WarName, ccode1, State1, ccode2, State2, distance) cowWarsDyadic
## # A tibble: 813 x 6
## WarName ccode1 State1 ccode2 State2 dista…
## <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Franco-Spanish War 220 France 230 Spain 1054
## 2 Franco-Spanish War 220 France 230 Spain 1054
## 3 First Russo-Turkish 365 Russia 640 Ottoman … 2233
## 4 Mexican-American 2 United States … 70 Mexico 3035
## 5 Austro-Sardinian 300 Austria 337 Tuscany 632
## 6 Austro-Sardinian 300 Austria 325 Italy 765
## 7 Austro-Sardinian 300 Austria 332 Modena 575
## 8 First Schleswig-Holstein 255 Prussia 390 Denmark 356
## 9 First Schleswig-Holstein 255 Prussia 390 Denmark 356
## 10 First Schleswig-Holstein 255 Prussia 390 Denmark 356
## # ... with 803 more rows
The resulting data can be found here.
R Packages
Wickham H, Hester J and Francois R (2017). readr: Read Rectangular Text Data. R package version 1.1.1, <URL:>.
Wickham H, Francois R, Henry L and Müller K (2017). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 0.7.4, <URL:>.
Wickham H and Henry L (2017). tidyr: Easily Tidy Data with ‘spread()’ and ‘gather()’ Functions. R package version 0.7.2, <URL:>.
Kahle D and Wickham H (2013). “ggmap: Spatial Visualization with ggplot2.” The R Journal, 5(1), pp. 144-161. <URL:>.
Hijmans RJ (2016). geosphere: Spherical Trigonometry. R package version 1.5-5, <URL:>.
Cheng J, Karambelkar B and Xie Y (2017). leaflet: Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript ‘Leaflet’ Library. R package version 1.1.0, <URL:>.
Xie Y (2017). knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R. R package version 1.18, <URL:>.
Xie Y (2015). Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Florida. ISBN 978-1498716963, <URL:>.
Xie Y (2014). “knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R.” In Stodden V, Leisch F and Peng RD (eds.), Implementing Reproducible Computational Research. Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN 978-1466561595, <URL:>.
Francois R (2017). bibtex: Bibtex Parser. R package version 0.4.2, <URL:>.
Boettiger C (2017). knitcitations: Citations for ‘Knitr’ Markdown Files. R package version 1.0.8, <URL:>.
Gartzke, Erik, and Alex Braithwaite. 2011. “Power, Parity and Proximity.”
Gleditsch, Kristian S, and Michael D Ward. 2001. “Measuring space: A minimum-distance database and applications to international studies.” Journal of Peace Research 38 (6).
Tips on where to find this documentation are more than welcome.↩︎