Brendan Cooley

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I currently work as a quantitative analyst for the Los Angeles Dodgers. I received my Ph.D. in Politics at Princeton University in 2020. In my dissertation research, I estimated a model of the world political economy to quantify how military coercion affects international trade. At Princeton, I taught the Politics Department’s summer math course for incoming graduate students, along with Daniel Gibbs.

I’m interested in baseball, cities, open source software, and open science. I live in the Washington, DC area.

Some Stuff I Worked on in Grad School


Trade Policy in the Shadow of Power: Theory and Evidence on Economic Openness and Coercive Diplomacy
Introduction Slides

Working Papers

Trade Policy in the Shadow of Power: Quantifying Military Coercion in the International System
Gunshots and Turf Wars: Inferring Gang Territories from Shooting Reports (with Noam Reich)
PDF Slides
Estimating Policy Barriers to Trade
PDF Slides
Gunboat Diplomacy: Political Bias, Trade Policy, and War
PDF Slides OPSC Talk



Calculating Historical Intercapital Distances
  R code to calculate distances between historical capital cities, 1816-present
Read and Clean ICEWS Coded Event Data
  R code to read, clean, and count international dyadic event data


In 2021 I recorded a podcast for Narratives with Will Jarvis. We chatted about why China and the United States don’t get along.